Friday, June 20, 2014

Brought to you by the letter P

Well since my last post I don't have any new updates on my departure. However, since then I have been packing, purging, praying, and going to

Packing stuff I don't need but would like to keep for when I come that's a lot o'stuff!!

Purging things that I wont use the next few years and can replace when I get back to the states.  I think of it as one last thing for Matt to trip

Praying that I leave end of July or beginning of August....this will coincide with my last paycheck from Dekalb County.  But I will have no idea when until I receive an email saying congrats you're in group (which ever 1, 2, or 3). This will give me a better idea of beginning of August or not. But I definitely won't know until I get an email from the travel agency saying here's your plane ticket and itinerary your flight leaves on (insert date).

Physicians....well trying to knock out all the check ups, tests, etc that women need to get annually....the girls are trying my patience!

Also since my last post I've had to deal with people's ignorance about where I'm going. Yes Abu Dhabi is in the middle east, however, the middle east is made up of several countries! The national past time in Abu Dhabi is shopping! There's this thing called Google, use it, do the research.....and quit worrying!